Understanding Kubernetes pods – Container Orchestration with Kubernetes-2
Let’s understand the file first. The file contains the following: There are other settings on the pod manifest, but we will explore these as and when we progress.
Let’s understand the file first. The file contains the following: There are other settings on the pod manifest, but we will explore these as and when we progress.
Kubernetes pods are the basic building blocks of a Kubernetes application. A pod contains one or more containers, and all containers within a pod are always scheduled in the same…
KinD allows you to run a multi-node Kubernetes cluster on a single server that runs Docker. We understand that a multi-node Kubernetes cluster requires multiple machines, but how can we…
We will install Minikube in the same Linux machine we used to install Docker in Chapter 3, Containerization with Docker. So, if you haven’t done that, please go to Chapter…
Well, that’s a lot of moving parts, but the good news is that tools are available to set that up for you, and provisioning a Kubernetes cluster is very simple.…
By now, you should understand what containers are and how to build and run containers using Docker. However, how we ran containers using Docker was not optimal from a production…
In the previous chapter, we covered creating and managing container images, where we discussed container images, Dockerfiles, and their directives and components. We also looked at the best practices for…
A Docker registry is a stateless, highly scalable server-side application that stores and lets you distribute Docker images. The registry is open source under the permissive Apache license. It is…
Let’s start by creating a Dockerfile: FROM golang:1.20.5 AS build WORKDIR /tmp COPY app.go . RUN GO111MODULE=off GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o app . && chmod +x ./app…
Optimizing containers with distroless images Distroless containers are one of the latest trends in the container world. They are promising because they consider all the aspects of optimizing containers for…